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  1. Eureka! Time Capsule found – Dated 25th March 1831 — 1 comment

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‘IKEA’ flat-pack arrives

Fully scaffolded - rear

Yesterday, a massive articulated lorry, far too big to come up the drive, unceremoniously dumped enormous lengths of timber at the road-end. Panic set in, but our trusty old Massey-Ferguson 240 and Graham’s Manitou successfully picked up the pieces and transported them up to the site. Foreman Gordon was somewhat surprised to find himself driving …

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Concrete base floor is laid

Cement arrives

Four large lorry loads of cement and a transformation takes place within the building shell. Tons of breezeblocks have also been delivered and very soon the central partition wall and the end wall will start to rise from the rubble. Unfortunately the weather has broken and rain is the order of the day.

Demolition Ends, Reconstruction Starts

Interior levelled ready for concreting 2

With all the rubble removed, together with the central and end walls, the men have been busy levelling the entire floor area, ready to pour concrete later this week. Because of the Scottish “Tattie howkin’” holiday no work will take place on Monday and Tuesday. Impressive mounds of rubble and stone are stacked around the …

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Eureka! Time Capsule found – Dated 25th March 1831

Location within building

On Thursday 26 September 2013 a most important treasure was unearthed amongst the ruins of Glenlair House. Whilst dismantling the South wall down to the original footings level, a large square stone was removed revealing a square cavity, in which was a glass jar standing upside down. The jar had been sealed with wax, which …

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Maxwell’s Wine Cellar Revealed!

Demolition Continues

The demolition work continues apace and there was a eureka moment when suddenly, the original wine cellar (which I had remembered climbing into in my youth some 60 years ago) was revealed beneath the mounds of rubble. The end wall has been lowered to ground level, but has to go down even further to reach …

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Rebuilding Glenlair House – Update 2

Just over a fortnight into the project and already one can see the extent of the demolition that must first take place before any rebuilding work can begin. Thus far the central wall and about 60% of the southern wall have been taken down. Two men working with hammer and chisel have achieved all this …

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New Project Starts

Contractors on Site

Work started to day on the next project to rebuild Glenlair House. This time it is planned to completely restore the original part of the house originally built by Professor Maxwell’s father,  John in 1831 using Walter Newall as his architect. This was the section most severely damaged by the fire in 1929 and consequently …

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Sad News

Sam Callander

It is with great sadness that I have to announce that Sam Callander passed away peacefully in Dumfries & Galloway Royal Infirmary on Friday 22 June 2012 after a short illness.   Followers of Maxwell will be very aware of the contribution made by Sam in tirelessly promoting the name and achievements of James Clerk …

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Visit by IEEE Foundation President

Visit by IEEE Foundation President

Dr. Dick GOWEN accompanied by his wife Nancy paid a visit to Glenlair on Saturday to receive an update on developments and witness progress made since their last visit in 2009. Typically the Scottish weather was a bit disappointing, but fortunately stayed dry long enough for them to tour Glenlair House and the Walter Newall …

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Professor and Mrs Maxwel return to Glenlair

Professor and Mrs Maxwel return to Glenlair

A fancy dress party in honour of the 40th Birthday celebrations of one of our trustees, Angus FERGUSON and his wife Frances (subsequently also elected as a Trustee) provided a splendid opportunity for a return visit by Professor and Mrs James Clerk MAXWELL to GLENLAIR HOUSE. After all, they were about to enter their own …

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