Goings on in the bedroom

Well work recommenced on the 6th. January and it is plain that the lads were all well rested as they set to with gusto, ousting poor Angus and Frances from their cosy master bedroom and proceeding to demolish it! I’m sure it will all turn out for the best in the end, but right now it is starting to look much as it did, when Henrietta and I renovated the Lodge in 1992.
So that you can understand what I mean, I attach photos of the bedroom taken then and photos taken today.


Master Bedroom 2 - 1992

Master Bedroom 2 – 1992

Master Bedroom 1 - 1992

Master Bedroom 1 – 1992


Master Bedroom 1 - 2014

Master Bedroom 1 – 2014

Master Bedroom 2 - 2014

Master Bedroom 2 – 2014

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